If you are in need of direct support, here are some options:
End Users
End users looking for support for your computer at your home or business, I suggest you hire Rooted Consulting or Idunn Consulting. They offer hourly or monthly consulting agreements. If I have provided you support in the past, either of these companies can reach back to me for support – they won’t have to start over from scratch.
If you are an end users, and feel you must work with me directly, you can sign up for my Personal Support plan.
IT Consultants
If you are an IT Consultant and need one-on-one attention as you grow your Proactive Support plan, you can sign up for my Proactive Support Head Start program
If you are an IT consultant looking for technical support, you can enroll in “The Third Level” Support – $200 a month for phone and chat access in which I can provide direction on complex issues you might face.
General Resources
If you need support, and don’t wish you pay directly, the MacAdmins slack may be right for you. Visit them at macadmins.org